    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/i/2820.png">
    <title>NFT i/2820.png (Qora2 OpenSea)</title>
            <meta name="description" content="southpole0">
            <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="7; url='/aitway'" />
    <body bgcolor="#DDDDDD" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <header><a href="https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/796638993731848468553700001337130722622321311759604289543104209883167195137" 
    title="Linked website for NFT i/2820.png, the NFT owner has limited editing rights for this website."><img border="0" src="/i/2820.png" width="100%" height="5%">
    <font size="2"> NFT i/2820.png (Qora2 OpenSea)</font></a>
    <font size="8">
    The owner of NFT i/2820.png (Qora2 on OpenSea) also owns a piece of virtual-land on <a href="/i" title="QNS /i world map">/i map</a>. Clicking <b><i>View website</i></b> for 
    the OpenSea NFT will redirect to this website via Qora gateway http://qora.co.uk/southpole0 (/southpole0 is a Qora QNS web3 site), 
    and clicking on the virtual-land plot will also redirect to this website. The NFT owner has limited editing rights for this website.
    <p align="center"><font size="6">Wait 稍等 .... <br>
    Qora southpole0  is heading to<br> <a href="/aitway">aitway's web3</a> <br>
    正在邁向壹位電腦 web3 網頁 <br>
        <font size="5">  
        <img src="https://aitway.com/pics/cityview2.jpg" width="80%">
    <br>50% Discount! on all products across 
    <a href="https://aitway.com.sg">Aitway's store</a>
    (except NFT products) for registered NFT(i-Colors of 4 Pixels) holders.</font>
    <a href="https://opensea.io/collection/qora2" title="i/2820.png is an NFT @ collection/Qora2 OpenSea"><font size="2">collection/Qora2 OpenSea<br></font>
    <img border="0" src="/i/2820.png" width="100%" height="5%"></a>